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Coastal Gardeners Portfolio


Here's a collection of some of the many gardens we have been involved with. Each has its own challenges
and unique requirements.


20 metres from the coastJust 20 metres from the coast one can grow Yuccas, Roses, Conifers and Tamarisk, just to name a few. Planting is dependant upon overall exposure to the wind, salt-laden wind and sun/shade conditions.

Creating shelterbelts either using plants or hard materials such as fences and walls can allow planting of less hardy species.




 Pampas and colour by the coast




A  colourful display on a cliffside garden close to the Southwest Coastal Footpath.



Pampas make a statement



  Pampas , bamboo and tamarisk compliment the seaside garden, and can withstand the north-westerly gales that storm in along this part of the coast.






A small garden projectA small garden project to make an area maintenance friendly - eliminate the grass and replace with a golden gravel, using a weed-suppressant underlay and suitable planting.






The same garden, after the work is done.


The finished product

Contact  us here for more information regarding Coastal Gardeners Services